Wednesday, December 28, 2005

My two most unfavorite things

Rain and the Mall

I absolutely hate the mall, anytime of year, and the rain.

So today i thought it was a good idea to go utilize the $100 gift card my father and stepmother gave me for Christmas at the mall. So i park, walk into mass chaos. I normally avoid the mall this time of year but with no work clothes and $100 i thought maybe i could get in, get out with a mere pair of pants for work, considering my expensive taste. I am not a bargain shopper, never have been, never will be but when you are in dire straights and worse comes to worse, you do what you gotta do!

As i was briskly weaving in and out of mothers with their strollers i noticed something very strange. Not only did i notice 1 woman in the middle of the mall in those rest areas with chairs reading a novel but as i walked, i spotted 2 more of these people. Who in their right mind would pick the mall after Christmas to go relax with a book? This puzzles me, beyond belief.

So i reach my destination and am praying to God for no lines. As i am quite the inpatient shopper. NO lines! Yes! I grab a bargain of a sweater i have wanted for months and skip my happy ass to the register. No line but me waiting on the customers currently checking out. Of course they both had exchanges/returns which takes FOREVER. Can i repeat FOREVER! Doesn't it always seem like the cashiers are so iliterate when it comes to returns/exchanges? Every single store they are and i also dread that task. I wait in line for probably 12 minutes. No exageration. I am so annoyed i want to walk out of the store and stash the sweater on my way out. But i talk myself into waiting. I wait and i wait. Finally i have had it. I go find another sales associate and ask if they can please check me out immediately. Yes they can so i am finally on my way. As i am exiting the mall it is hard not to notice the 50 people in line outside "Ruby's Diner." Why on God's earth would you choose to eat at Ruby's diner in the first place? Secondly, why at the mall? People seize to amaze me.

Get to my car and as i am fighting traffic out of the mall it starts to rain (well drizzle but its rain for Cali). I hate the rain with a passion. Its not fun, pretty, or functional. It causes wrecks with idiots. It is dreary and makes me in a bad mood. Did i mention i am severly pms ing so that makes this whole situation worse.

Uhhhhhhhh i want this day to end. Now!
posted by Miahart @ 1:38 PM |


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