Monday, January 16, 2006
Blast from the past

This weekend i drove to LA to visit my little sister, Jessica joined me. Romeo and my sisters dog, Emma, love eachother. They know they are cousins and as they play and run around. My sister and i have this whole dialogue that we like to repeat. It is sort of ridiculous and kind of embarassing. We don't care though. We do it anyway. Our dogs are our kids. Oh shit...what will we be like when kids enter the picture? Scary, very scary!
So we decide to do something totally sporadic, outrageous, and childish Saturday night. We go rollerskating. Yeah...rollerskating in a actual rink like the ones you had birthday parties at when you were 8 years old. It was literally like going back to the past. Unlike the midwest skating rinks, this one was filled with every age, gender, and ethnicity you could imagine would convene at such a place. These people were actual "rollerskaters." And not rollerbladers, rollerskaters. By the way, the skates have not changed a bit in color or design. So now that you have a visual...we were ready to go with our skates on when they announced "advanced backward skaters only." We opted to watch on this round. And good damn thing we did. These people were out of control, speeding around and doing all sorts of random leg splits, things i had never seen before. So it was back to forward skating and we join the skating crowd. Wow! I was shocked i could barely move and i was the best one out of the 3 of us. I got repremanded by the rollerskating ref for having my sweatshirt around my waist. Then for the second time wearing my hat. Yep, the third time it was stopping on the side waiting for the other 2 to catch up b/c i was speedy gonzales! I even did the "crossover" when i got the hang of it again. It was definitely not something you catch back on to like riding a bicycle. So round and round we went for a good hour. I actually broke a sweat. We decided to leave after the ref's announce a game of throwing a huge blown up dice, everyone must stop in the corners. I figured we had gotten our fill of youthfulness for a year.
I finished all of my laundry at my sisters and headed home on Sunday to clean our bathroom. Good times!
BTW, Romeo got his anal glands secreted this morning. Yummy!