Friday, January 06, 2006
Baby Bella

My best friend from college, Allison, has a baby named Isabella. She is the most amazing little baby. I haven't been around many babies really but i know for a fact this baby is the best baby that there ever was. She is a little bundle of joy. You can pass Izzy around to 10 different family members in the room and she just smiles and laughs and brightens the mood of everyone. This child doesn't cry. It is the wierdest damn thing. I came to visit them in Oklahoma for 5 days and i probably heard her shed a tear once. Such a happy baby. It makes you wonder what on earth do you do to get a baby to be like this? Is it something she ate, a vitamin she took (i always reminded her to take her prenatal), a song babo (daddy) hummed while in the womb or is it genetic...genetic happiness? Is there such a thing. I think it must be from having parents love and adore her but most of all share a happy marriage. Well anyhow this child is a gem and glows with this amazing red hair she got from babo. When i see her in pictures it brightens my day. I know she is growing fast and i can't see her alot. I hound poor mommy to email me pics on a weekly basis. So today was the weekly picture fest. I also got an email from Allison:
Aunt Amy...Thank you sooo much for being a great friend! Thanks so much for caring about my baby. Thank you for asking for pics and being so interested in her life. It means a lot to me. Love you, al