Friday, February 10, 2006

Romeo's Bed

I bought Romeo this bed well over a year ago, when he was a puppy. I was so thrilled he would have this beautiful fluffy round bed to become his happy place. Any other dog would have been utmost thankful. Not Romeo. From the time i brought it home he dispized it. Would have nothing to do with it. Well, one week i left him at my sisters in Arizona, with his bed. She comes home one day to see the bed in shreds all over the floor. I was angry but determined to fix the expensive throne as well as determined to make him like it! In my attempt to make it somewhat workable i had to do a little makeshift. I recently placed the bed in the corner of the dining room, just for a little decoration since it has never been used. Last night we walk in from our walk and what does he do? Goes straight to the bed and plops down like it has been "his spot" forever. I was freaking ecstatic! I pull out my camera to remember this day forever.

So then i make him stay on it while i pet him and i get up and this is what he does!

posted by Miahart @ 8:14 AM |


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