Tuesday, February 07, 2006

What Devastation

My roomate is from Colorado and is very close to her family. She is the oldest of 3 girls and unusually her parents are still married. Her mom had a terrible accident a week ago. It was heartbreaking. Her mom has been holding on to life in ICU, on life support for a week now. She passed away last night, as there was nothing else they could do for her.
I can't even begin to explain the events of last evening and the tears shed. As i held her in my arms, her 2 best friends wrapped her in a blanket and fed her wine. We packed her bags, reserved her flight, and tried to keep the mood somewhat upbeat. You don't know what to say. You don't want to say the wrong thing as it might make the pain worse. You want to understand, to express your heartfelt support. There is nothing you can do but reach out. Be there. Comfort her.
I have had no experience in these type of situations. This is my first to experience death so close. I can't imagine loosing a parent. I would break. Snap and never be the same.
I want to be there for her in this time of need. I hope and pray i can be somewhat of a comfort to the pain she is feeling.
Please lord give me the words and the wisdom to be a good friend and support my roomate in this terrible time in her life.
posted by Miahart @ 8:17 AM |


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