Monday, April 24, 2006
Catalina Craze Weekend

Ok, i think i have my head back on straight and so i am going to recap this past weekend. I have been very ill...trying to recover over the weekend in Catalina...not such a grand idea. The cold wind on the boat to the island, the cool breeze on the golf cart, drinking and eating til wee hours, trying to enjoy a weekend getaway with the never ending energy of my mom and mr.sir was probably not exactly the correct way to recuperate from my head cold illness. I didn't want to cancel one more plan i had on my agenda so i opted to join the celebration along side mela, mr.sir and JL. (J has a new nickname: JL)
Friday afternoon i got off work early...shopped a bit with my mom, came home and sat on the couch while my mom insisted on completely ripping apart my hall closet and refolding ever single towel and linen. She also so graciously decided to pull out the hose sprayer and go to town on my porch which she scolded me over and over again for it being a total dirt piled mess. Mr.Sir and i sat there on the couch and just nodded our heads. As the wine was opened we contemplated on where the dinner plans were headed. Shocker...mexican it was. Saturday took off to a bad start. JL and i got close to NO sleep as we so graciously offered my bed up to our(my) guests. Romeo decided to join us on the couch in the middle of the night where he began to itch his entire coat off, bark at every noise and chew on his bone the majority of the night. JL cooked our Saturday morning breakfast, as usual as i scurried to get us packed and clean up before heading out for Catalina. The boat ride was near nightmere-ish! It was so choppy and bumpy i could barely keep my head up. Upon our arrival we checked in to a bed and breakfast which could have also been mistaken for an elder womans home. OK so this is a story in and of itself so i will begin to explain to you this odd arrangement.....
I procrastinated making hotel reservations for Catalina last week b/c i was so ill. When i called to inquire about a room where my parents were staying the "inn keeper" told me that no rooms were available for the weekend but she would offer me her personal room for a lower rate. I quickly hung up and phoned my mom. What the hell? Her room? Hell no...i wasn't about to do that. That is just wierd. i told you earlier...i procrastinated b/c of my illness and so...had to end up taking the "inn keeper" personal room at this bed and breakfast. here it goes...into as much detail as i can b/c i wish each of you could have seen my face when i walked in to this womans room.
The "inn keepers" room was greatly personalized saying it nicely. Every nook and cranny was filled with photos of her family in Germany. Her bed was a double with floral bedding that looked like my 95 year old great grandmothers. Her teddy bear lay on the pillow. Her distinct "granny" smell reaked. The wall directly next to the bed had picture frames hung the entire length and width of the room. Her bathroom...ughgh the was as clean as it could be but just imagine staying in a strangers space. It was as if she had packed every belonging of hers that furnished a house into a small bedroom. This was where JL and i were to stay for a night. Just a night, i say to myself...just a night. So you get the picture now? OK wasn't exactly what i call relaxing at a bed and breakfast.
After our Saturday excursions i am screaming for a nap. JL and i retire to our designated room. Upon arrival we are again greeted with the most welcoming of granny smells. I am exhausted but at the same time not an inch of my body feels comfortable or right about laying my body on this strangers own bed. I do it anyway. JL joins me. He can't wind down so he begins to depict every single photo that hangs on her wall. He makes up a story of each person and her entire German geneology. Before you know mom is calling telling us to "keep it down." He had infected me with laughter. We laid there for 2 hours in utter belly laughs! He even came up with a German name for this woman. It was hilarious but i didn't get any much needed Zzzzz for our evening outing.
The rest of the trip in Catalina was enjoyable. We ate fresh caught fish, drank fine wine, engaged in interesting conversation as JL and Mr. Sir were both history majors. Rented a golf cart on Sunday and drove around the island...gazing at the spectacular views of the ocean, boats and this little life away from the hussle and bustle of LA automobiles. It was refreshing. As we boarded the boat on Sunday we left Mom and Mr.Sir to continue celebrating their anniversary and her bday. A Sunday afternoon nap was in high demand. Monday arrived too soon.