Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Sick as Hell
I am sick. Feeling totally under the weather...the weather that is unbelievably, undescribably gorgeous today! NOT a day you want to be sick. I called in to work and left a message with my coworker. Turns out she was sick as well. No one got my message. So in attempt to show my committment to my job and fellow employees i came in to work at 11 a.m. unshowered, hair in braid, no makeup, sloppy outfit, nose is red, eyes are blood shot, and the cough is definitely noticeable. So here i am...probably infecting the rest of the group.I don't feel like recapping the past weekend with my dad and stepmoms visit. Don't feel like scheduling the plans this weekend for Catalina and scared my illness will take over my tickets to Jimmy Buffet concert tomorrow night. Been looking so forward to 'cheeseburgers in paradise' and 'margaritaville' but we'll see. Maybe all these vitamins and mac and cheese my boyfriend has been shooving down my throat will help. Or the potent b12 type austrian special pill from my boss will kick it.