Friday, July 07, 2006

Accessory Philosophy

I can not stop buying sunglasses and purses. Its just my thing. The thing about it is this...i buy cheap purses (cheap meaning $35-80) and i buy one pretty much every single week. I have a hang up with them. I like them. I like looking at them, shopping for them, putting my stuff in them. It gives me a great thrill. Yes, i know...that is sad...purses give me a thrill. If i lined up all the purses i have bought just this might call me ocd purse freak. I might have a compulsive handbag buying issue for a few reasons. Not sure what the real reason for this is. My guess is a) i can't ever find one that i love...has the exact amount of easily accesible...can withstand my abuse...and is constantly pleasing to my eye. or b) b/c i would rather have a new purse every week than be sensible and buy a very nice one a year. What is it Amy? It is out of hand...

Same goes for the sunglasses. They are all functional and fashionable but one just doesn't cut it with me. I buy cheap ones....loose them....break them....etc. etc. I really should knock some sense into my head and freaking buy a real nice pair, take care of them, and not have to waste my hard earned income on piece o shit sunglasses. friends...i took a stand...i brought myself to just cave in. Give up my former ways...throw down the plastic and purchase those damn shades i have been dying to have. I didn't go over the top...didn't buy them just for the label like an oc girl does...i paid $96 for them and by golly gosh darn it i am going to take care of those suckers. I like them....i better love them. So the madness ends with the sunglass ocd buying. Now i need to lay down the cash for the pretty pretty showy showy haute couture designer handbag i got my eye on.
posted by Miahart @ 4:25 PM |


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