Thursday, July 06, 2006
Baby #2
The news is best friend from college...Allison...dear, dear friend she pregnant...with #2!!!!!! I was one of the first to find out. Yes, yes, it is b/c of my inquisitive mind and intuitional feeling, so i guessed it. Well, i still was one of the first to find out the great news. So this will be her second pregnancy i am not around for each stage, each trimester, and each obgyn apt. Makes me sad but hopeful that maybe this time i can attend the birth. She (so 'she' is the prediction but i am hoping for a he) is most likely going to be due around her big sisters birthday...February. I can hardly stand the excitement this pregnancy brings. Her family is growing and its so fun to see the precious little girl they have already created. She has been a wonderful child and continues to make me smile, each picture i get. I can't believe she is such a perfect mix of mommy and babo.
(Al, please read to baby bella girl)
I know you don't know me but i know you. I have watched you grow through photos. Each new picture a little more of your prissy personality shows. You are a perfect mix of your parents and please know you got that sassy attitude from your momma. I hope, for your sake, you grow up to be not so picky about foods. Maybe Babo will make you into a tom boy...hunting. You will have a brand new sibling soon and i just know you are going to be an angel of a big sister. I love you Izzy and i can't wait to see you in October. Even though you won't recongnize me...just pretend like you do b/c my heart will melt!
Aunt Amy