Tuesday, July 11, 2006

My Side

I can't sleep. Bad case of insomnia. As i lay in bed, restless, i ponder something i find quite interesting...

Don't couples have their side of the bed? An appointed side that they always sleep on. It occured to me just the other day. After 6 months of dating. We do not have our side of the bed. We prefer to alternate. It is strange for both people to not care. To not become attached to sleeping on one side, in a certain position, all nice and cozy. But we are just not married to a side.

Tonight i had gone to sleep early. I was exhausted when i got home from work and began itching all over. My head, neck, arms, legs, stomach...i took a benadryl and hit the hay early. I dozed off a bit but never really fell dead asleep. When JL came to bed i thought to myself...hum...that side looks more appealing. Maybe that side could do the trick tonight. So we switched. I lay there itching still...recallling each and every piece of food i put in my mouth throughout the day and each and every unfamiliar touch i made. What could it be? Why am i still itching after 2 benadryl's and can't fall asleep. The case is unusual. Benadryl makes me crash. Not tonight.

I wonder why we don't each prefer one designated side? I guess that is the ? and i guess i will go back to bed, the other side of the bed, lay and ponder such a very perplexing issue...hum...life is so interesting.
posted by Miahart @ 11:51 PM |


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