Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Giving Thanks

Yes this is my second post of the day. But hey...i got alot on my mind. I was thinking today, while shooveling my salad into my mouth at my desk, about all the things i am thankful for in 2005.

So here we go! Things i am very thankful for:
My healthy precious dog that brings me such joy each day.
The close relationships i have with all my family members.
Healthy family, healthy self. Maybe not mentally but physically we are all heatlthy.
For finding such a wonderful job that will support me and my pup, and thats about all it will support.
My best friend, Allison and David's baby bella.
The ever lasting friendship of my very best friend that has it bumps in the road but still sustains and grows stronger, Caron.
The new friendships i have made at work.
For my vision and faith that the perfect man is out there for me, its just not the right time.
Southern Cal weather, sunshine that makes me happy each day when i wake up.
A compatible roomate and friend.
The apartment i have lived in and like for over a year.
Each and every friendship that i have with my girlfriends. Keeps me going, brings me back to college days.
The family that i came from and the future family that i will someday get to create.
The happy marriage of my stepmother and father, mother and stepfather.
The relationship i have with my stepmom and stepdad, they are both so caring, loving, respectful and accepting of me and my sisters.
For meeting my new friends Maggie and Brian that parent Romeo's girlfriend, Feile.
My dog walker, my friend, and the absolute life saver she has been to me.
posted by Miahart @ 1:58 PM |


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