Friday, July 14, 2006
A Phenomenon
When i was in college, most all of my roomate's names started with the letter A. When i recall the good 'ol days, back 5 years ago, our answering machine greetings just made me laugh. There was always two A's in there somwhere. By the way...i wonder if they still have 'answering machines' in college dorms and sorority houses b/c we all know...i mean come one even has home phones anymore. So...back to college. My slew of A roomates was something like this:*Adrienne
Most the time it was a triple roomate situation and so it would be Adrienne, April, Amy...or...Allison, April, Amy...and so you get the picture....i am attracted to A's.
This brings me to the subject of old friends. I treasure my friendships, hold on to them tight and don't let go, don't hold grudges, trust/loyalty/honesty are my # 1's! I just like to stay in contact no matter how far the distance is between.
Last night, i met up with a friend i used to refer to as 'a good friend,' nickname "A." Short for Adrienne. We belonged to the same 'clique' in high school and partied our way through college all the while bonding with sorority sisterly love. She was in California for a business conference. We had dinner and drinks and played catch up for many, many hours. It was great to see her and it was just a reminder to me, and i'd like to pat myself on the back, i am a damn good friend.