Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Off to a bad start

This morning i was on my way out the door for work. Gym bag slung over shoulder, Romeo's leash in one hand, purse, rent checks in other hand with keys. My hands were full. JL had made me coffee and i told him i had no hands to carry it. Plus the mugs don't fit in my car cup holders. He insisted he walk me out to assure i got it all in. How sweet. Yes, he is so kind.
I turn the corner, after retrieving the coffee from the hood of my car, buddy is in my lap and i just can't make the turn with one hand...splash coffee all over buddy's fur. Shit! And some in my lap. We carry on. Turn my third corner and there it goes...too tight of a turn for one hand...coffee spills all over me, down my leg, all over my pants, in my lap, on buddy's paws...no bueno! I screamed and yelled. He hops off my lap, into the back seat. I am cussing. Pour coffee out and speed to his girlfriends to drop him off. Realize i left my cell at home. Another reason to go home! Sweet, now i am real late to work. Go home...change...grab phone.

Arrived to work late. Oh well. No more coffee in those damn mugs...ever. again.
posted by Miahart @ 9:32 AM |


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