Monday, February 27, 2006

Happy Rain?

Rain makes me depressed. I am greatly affected by it. To be quite honest, i hate the rain. I feel guilty saying this, mother nature hates me.
Everyone at my office is doing the rain dance. Jumping up and down, trotting around their umbrellas, enjoying walking from our sales office, back and forth, getting poured on. I don't understand that. They are insane. Maybe it has to do with the fact that we never have a down pour....EVER! So for some, happens to be ALL, in my office, people enjoy the serene effects of rain. Uh not me. I would be happy as hell to never see it again. Honestly! All it makes me want to do is be at home, near a fireplace, with my down comforter, on my couch, snuggling with my puggle. So uninspiring....when i need to get some damn work done around here!
rain, rain, go away, don't come another day!
posted by Miahart @ 4:17 PM |


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