Monday, February 27, 2006

Monday Morning

I am sure all of you are ready for a weekend update of my new love life. I can't seem to find the words to explain this new found love i am experiencing. As soon as i can form it into words you will all hear about it. I promise!
For now, a few things to ponder....
*How absolutely groooooose is it to go to a restaurant and be sat next to the kitchen...where you can see through the naked eye...the nasty, un sanitary ways in which rest. cook. Who wants to have their appetite ruined by that? I refuse to sit anywhere near the kitchen at a restaurant. Take my advice!

*How horrifying is it to go shopping for jeans? Basically, i need to be drunk. I bought a new pair of crop jeans this weekend. How many sizes can i increase in the next year?

*We have done nothing but eat...all weekend that we have spent together. I feel like its double duty pms time. Not even close either. Haven't you ever heard that when you start a new relationship you both gain weight? Well, looks like we are on our way....the rate we are going. Not only have we eaten like 4 large meals a day, we have eaten fattening ones at that. After we discussed this issue yesterday, we proceeded to go to trader joes and go on a huge health kick. As we stood in line, took inventory of what we were purchasing, something astounding. We are cheese fools! Cheese=fat! Hummmm? Maybe we will just be two fat laughing cows! ha
posted by Miahart @ 8:33 AM |


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