Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Aspirations of the future?

As i am parking my car today during lunch i can't help but notice the cutest blonde bitch, pushing a bugaboo, sporting new nikes and tight workout pants, wife beater top, and gucci bag. I suddenly find myself day dreaming of what ifs?
What if:
-i could workout in the morning with my personal trainer, do yoga/pilates and leave my the chillens home with the nanny
-i could go buy a new designer purse any time i felt like it
-i drove the nicest suv but my convertible was parked in the garage
-i lived on the bay/beach and saw the view from my marble vanity as i sip my coffee in the morning
-i had my next 10 vacations planned for the year to: sunvalley idaho, mexican riviera, african safari, australia, italy, st.barts, ireland, spa in arizona, and oklahoma.
-i got to hand off the kids at straight up 5pm to hubby that arrives home from work to clean the dishes and feed the kids while i met my girlfriends for happy hour
-i got my hair "blown out" every other day
-i had a gigantic closet full of all the clothes i desired
-i had the most astronimical makeup collection of all my favorite artists
-i had my mom come stay for 4 days a month to help me with the kids and to play with me
-i lived next door to my sisters and our kids went to school together

This might possibly be my dream life and something i picture in my future. However, the truth be told...this won't happen. This is not i wish so much it was. I don't think i would be a happy person if it was me. I would feel over indulged and want to share. In reality i see myself as this:
-an independent woman; stable and mature that marries at the age of 30
-has my first baby at 32
-decides it is very important to me to earn my own "play" money so i go back to work part time
-my family is all spread out over the freakin US
-we take a vacation once a year that we save for
-i enjoy each and every moment i have with my husband and children
-still treasure my friendships with my girlfriends
-decorate one room in our home a year

This is more like reality but i can't help but picture what life would be like if i were one of the mucho women i see on a daily basis all over newport and orange county trotting around in their luxury suv's, designer shades/shoes/handbag, picking up their kids from school. I see this daily, multiple times...i want to know where all these rich ass men come from...where? It surrounds me and i can't help but picture myself in their world.
posted by Miahart @ 1:36 PM |


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