Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I love eggs! Any style, love em! Remember in the movie, Runaway Bride, Julia Roberts adopts every boyfriends favorite style of eggs?
I love my eggs over easy, sunny side up, fried, scrambled, hard boiled, soft boiled, egg whites, scrambled with some "umph"-veggies, eggs benedict, eggs florentine, you name it-i will eat it. Of course, each mood desires a different style but bottom line is-i go to brunch/breakfast-i am gonna order eggs.
So after Valentines day is over, easter rounds the corner, there is a little something something called cadbury eggs. These are quite possibly my favorite egg. I do a little egg dance when i see these eggs arrive in my local supermarket. You see, i forget about them all year. I walk into Ralph's on Saturday for a beer run and what do i see? Cadbury eggs (the ones with the gooey, creamy white yolky looking shit inside)! I buy the local cashier counter OUT. I gotta have them for backup, pms, after dinner sweet.
One year, the first job i had, i didn't get enough of these cadbury eggs. I realize it is a couple days after easter and i begin to have the craving. I leave work, on a mission to buy the rest of any supermarket/drugstore stock. I basically drove for miles to find any. At my 5th stop, i found them, on sale. Hurray. I couldn't have been happier.
So happy egg holiday to all!