Monday, March 13, 2006

Is this possible?

I am overwhelmingly in love with this person. I can't describe into words how i feel (i wish i was a good writer and it would be such a great story i could tell you but i am not). I have been trying to come up with an entry to explain this wonderful feeling we are both experiencing but it is not possible. I honestly am such a level headed individual who views life as a true realist. Is it possible to just have "that feeling" after only 2 months? I mean i feel like i am being totally unrealistic about my feelings for this guy. I know and rememeber how the begining of a relationship feels and the newness wears off...blah blah blah. This is newness that i feel will last. We have the most deep, intimate conversations-and have discussed how well we think we know eachother after this short of a time. I this possible? Or am i just some sappy, romantic, living in a fairy tale world? I am in love. I can really, truly say i have never felt this way. ahhhhhhhhh!
This feeling is straight freaking me out. If my family could see me now...they would die. I just wait until the end of the month when my mom will get to see for the first time what we are like together. Maybe then will it become more real.
I am sorry for the unexplicit details of this love affair but it is just simply undescribable!

posted by Miahart @ 2:46 PM |


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