Friday, August 11, 2006

Cheap Skates

One of my favorite cafes to eat in Newport has "cheap skates welcome" on their front door. You can't help but read it each time you walk in.
This morning, JL declared a game of thriftiness between the two of us for the rest of the month. This title immediately came to mind.
You see, we aren't always tight on money but lately both of us have been. It sort of started a month or so ago and ever since then we watch everything we spend our money on. Dinners out are no longer a nightly occurance. Weekend massages are no longer a weekend staple. So we have decided to play a little game of "who can be the most thrifty." The looser at the end of the month has to play slave for a day. This means back rubs, multiple loads of laundry, bathroom cleaning, grocery shopping...basically i am going to win and he is going to do every single chore crammed into one day. I can't wait.
I am going to start logging every single item i bring home from the office to contribute to the household...this will be paper towels and dishwashing detergent. He might get a few points for ganking starbucks coffee from work. I am not going to cheat but i am going to keep a real good tally on how damn thrifty i have become.
Game on!
posted by Miahart @ 8:28 AM |


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