Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Right Now

Stuff in my life, my head, now...

-as my boyfriend moves in his dresser and drawers...he is sweating and all i can do is get my fat ass off the couch in the middle of entertainment tonight and open the damn door for him. he refuses to let me help him. he says its not a lady's job. that is the kind of man i have always dreamed of!
-i just got a much needed pedicure. i am never waiting 3 weeks again. my girl loves me there b/c i never tip her anything less than $10. only b/c she treats me right. scrubs the holy soles off those callus' and extra long leg massage.
-as i sit there in total relaxation in my massage chair getting a pedicure....i glance over at an old, fat, white hairy, man getting a manicure. that is the most disguisting thing to me. what old man gets manicures? i mean what real man gets manicures anyway. my man, my moms man, etc. get pedicures with us every so often b/c we make them...they secretly enjoy it but i mean come on...for an old man to drive his caddy up to a nail salon and proudly walk in to receive a manicure is beyond me. i would rather look/hear the vietnamese speak in jibberish than an old, hairy man!
-i have cried twice this week. my boyfriend told me a week ago that he had heard me cry once before. he got his fill this week. once was in his presence, my emotions got very intense. the other...at work...i called him crying. i am an emotional basket case this period. i wish it would end. i don't like me like this. i hope to god pregnancy hormones aren't like this or else we might have some seriously f ed up babies.
-i am so damn ready for a vacation and i can't wait to see my family this weekend. we are going to have a blast. my mom has rented a beach house in San Diego. i only got 2 days off work but total it will be a 4 day vacation. dogs included. they can't wait to see their cousins! beach extravaganza here we come!
posted by Miahart @ 7:40 PM |


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