Thursday, August 31, 2006

Jump for Joy

I just got half day off tomorrow, Friday. I think i almost jumped out of my chair and gave my boss a big hug. That is how excited i am. Mostly b/c it was very unexpected. Caught me totally off guard...what a damn good surprise. Now i can't stop thinking of the possibilities tomorrow brings. What will i do? much to do in half a day. Some of the things i am considering:
-go down to the beach and meet my boyfriend for lunch at the pier
-go buy that shirt at nordstroms that i really want
-clean up the apartment including laundry so its clean for the weekend
-get a manicure and pedicure
-go lay on the beach and let Romeo play
-take Romeo for a run around back bay
-and last on my list but something that should be #1: workout at the gym since i haven't had a good one all week.

In other news...this week has been a bit different. James car has been in the shop, transmission went out for the 2nd time this year. I have been taking him to work and picking him up...not everyday but enough to really remember how much i hate traffic here. Poor guy feels helpless and i of course want him to feel like he can depend on me.
We have had plans with friends every night this week and as enjoyable as its been i have gotten no R & R after work or housework or romeo time. Happy hour with the work group tonight which will be wine tasting...uh hum...yum.
Romeo has taken over a new leaf. He has now declared the very top of the car above the back seat and the window his perch. His "cat dog" behavior has shown true colors now. We clicked about 10 photos this morning on our way to drop him at his girlfriends.

I could have gone to my gfathers ranch this weekend with my mother. She was even going to pay for my flight to Dallas. As absolutely amazingly beautiful this place is i couldn't feel the urge to travel. I just want to soak up this beautiful California weather as much as possible.

Off for a wax...and for some reason...i am very excited.
posted by Miahart @ 12:10 PM |


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