Saturday, September 02, 2006
Hog Wild
This weekend college football began...Growing up with 2 sisters and a mother football wasn't a part of our weekend life. You never heard it on the television unless boyfriends were over. During the holidays at my dads i remember hearing him scream and yell..."sooners!" All in all, i wasn't really around football very often. Friends would joke as early as my junior high years that my house could be compared to a sorority house. Girls blow drying their hair, cat fighting, primping, griping, pmsing, all with sisterly love. When i got to college my vision of football changed. I became a very avid Oklahoma State fan. I love/loved watching the cowboys play. My love for football doesn't go much farther than OSU. I just could careless if its not them on TV.
My boyfriend is pyscho fan of the Arkansas razorbacks. I think one might view it as a bit of an obsession. Every free moment he has to read or watch anything about them on the internet, his eyes are pealed to the monitor. You can't even bribe him away. He has literally been counting down the days for their first game of the season. I feel like i am quite acquainted with their starting line up. What? Did i just say starting line up? As if i even use that terminology. I can't even explain to express the excitement in his eyes this morning as we were eating breakfast. Just damned and determined that those hogs were gonna beat USC tonight. He really believes in good ol' Houston Nut...have i really memorized a football coaches name? He has been in front of the tv all damn day. Beer and margaritas and he is a happy camper. Well, and of course his hogs flag hung outside the apartment, his red t-shirt, his razorback hat...he is a true fan....up until now! I think i just heard him turn off the tv during this 4th quarter of the game. He is really upset. I mean really really upset at those hogs. He is disappointed. I have never witnessed this much passion for a sports all the boyfriends...all these years...he is die hard.
I am now going to attempt to cheer him up and see what we can do to turn this weekend around. Cross your fingers that its really true that "the hogs are a 4th quarter team!" did i really just say that?