Thursday, September 14, 2006


I meet her one year ago from this month. I was unemployed and down in the dumps. My neighbor asked me to go to breakfast with her across the street at an outdoor cafe. I met a couple there with a baby female puggle. At the moment Romeo was at the vet getting his stomach xrayed b/c i had fed him too many rib bones...i think. All i could think about as i met this precious irish couple was i wish Romeo was with me to make a new friend! We vowed to call and get the dogs together for a play date when their puggle had received all her shots. I called her. And those who know me...know i am just not like call a complete stranger who i had met at brunch. Craziness! Not me. Well, i did it. One of the best things i made myself do. I know for a fact that these people came into my life for a reason.

For a very long time i believed that the reason they did come into my life was for our dogs. I now drop Romeo off at their home 2 miles away each day so they can have eachother during the work day. It has given me a sense of peace...i don't worry about him all day...ever. I know he has room to run and play together and that if they are home that he is inside cozied up nicely on their guest bed. It has become his second home, and his second parents. I am forever greatful for these people. And i know they are me when they go out of town for weeks at a time.

I now believe that God placed Maggie in my life for a reason. Back 3 years ago i was in the midst of breaking off an engagement. The scenerio was this: i lived in our home that was technically his b/c he bought it. I lived under his wing. His money and his control. I felt a sense of trapped...almost the entire 6 months we lived together. One day i woke up and decided i was not in love with this man and i no longer wanted this to be my home. I was petrified to be single for the first time in...well...probably 10 years. I had my family and friends behind me through the transition of moving across states to Arizona to live with my mom. I sold my car, put my furniture in storage and started all over again. It just wasn't right and i followed my heart. #1 best decision i ever made, and the hardest.

So Mags lives in Brians home. Moved all the way from Ireland to start over. And that she did. Moved in with him and began school in the US. She has been here well over a year and has now decided at this time in her life she is ready to be alone, single, for the first time in many many years. She feels trapped and doesn't even have to tell me that is how she feels. I have been there. I know from the look on her face and the way she describes the situation. As soon as she told me of this about 2 weeks ago, i immediately offered her our guest room. To come live. For very cheap. It would be perfect for her. She has no furniture, nothing that would fill up more than half a bedroom or closet. Her dog is my dogs girlfriend. I felt it completely appropriate for her to just up and move in. After i offered this to her she wanted me to make sure i spoke with James about it. So i thought about it before i talked to him. Real long and hard. The more i thought about it the less and less of a great idea it felt. Having a roomate again was less than appealing. So when i finally spoke with him about it he agreed with me. And was very insistent that we not offer her a place to live for many reasons but the biggest was that we just wanted to be a couple, a family and we wanted our space to do that. We did in fact agree that it would be ok for her to come stay for a month or two while she looked for her own place. I agreed and very very sadly told Maggie what we had decided. Being the most greatful and polite irish woman that she is was completely understanding...

So as the story goes...I hadn't heard from her in a week or so. Last night i popped in her restaurant and sat down for a glass of wine. I could tell how unhappy she looked and she began to spill the beans. The living situation had become miserable and she was eager to find a place. I just felt her at that moment. The position she is in and completely and totally had been that exact position. I knew how she felt. Better than anyone. Her family is in another country. I left last night and thought about her all day. Hoping she found a place. As i picked up Romeo tonight she got up from her homework to say hello and i couldn't help it...the look on her face...i just felt her. She didn't even have to speak before i said..."done deal...move in...this weekend if you want...the room is yours...don't pay us...i know your situation and you need out...and you need to be independent to know how you feel...about the direction your life is taking and your feelings for Brian...move in. i will talk to James tonight and call you tomorrow." She grabbed me by the arms and hugged me. Told me she was thankful for me and our friendship.

I feel like this is the right thing. The hell with us and being a couple...we have the rest of our lives. This is a friend. This is karma. This is something i relate to all too well. And i will not take a no from him. She is moving in week. This decision i feel very strongly about and i feel like i have given it much thought and contemplation and i just know its the right thing to do. For her, for us.
posted by Miahart @ 6:35 PM |


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