Friday, November 03, 2006

does anyone else keep a tally in their mind of who remembers and who forgets their birthday. i have done this. for years. its not like when i was young my mother and father forgot my bday. i have no idea what sparked it but i am hyper sensitive to it. This year the list in my head as follows:
mom, dad, both sisters, bro-in-law, stepdad, aunt, big, 2 best friends, james mom, sisters, dad, grandmother...all of which called me at work! also, an old old friend from junior high...which is always nice to get a surprise wish! oh and of fiance!

didn't remember:
my ex bfriend/best guy friend from childhood, my grammy, lindsay!!!! maggie!!! blair!!! wtf? joe!!! my boss...which is the most disapointing none the less.

I am not saying that i don't ever forget....i do. but i am really good about it.
ok bye
posted by Miahart @ 5:31 PM |


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