Friday, October 13, 2006

Fall & Fight

Fall has arrived in SoCal...the air is crisp at night and i love to be able to reach for that zip up when out for our nightly walk. I no longer have the fan on at night. We get to cozy up on the couch with blankets and i love that feeling. Every year i never look forward to season changings. Maybe that is why living in the oc is such a perfect place for me. Yes, i do love to see the leaves change colors and fall. My mom used to always say when the leaves start to fall she knows my birthday is near. The weather that comes with that change isn't always pleasant and that is one of the many reasons i am greatful to live where i do. So for all those people that i always hear say they prefer to live where they feel each season...i am here to tell you i am not one of those. Although, this year i have actually looked forward to fall. Not b/c it was incredibly hot this summer here but for all the things fall, thanksgiving, family, my birthday and the coming of the end of the year. I am welcoming this new season with open arms and nothing says "hell ya, fall has arrived" like a pumpkin scone and pumpkin spice latte from starbucks. What a way to start your friday. That ritual brings me back to the days i was traveling here, living here most the time, in a hotel. All alone. I prefered my morning bfasts at starbucks rather than holiday inn. Fall is falling and i can finally say i am happy to embrace it.

Last night James and i got in a fight. A bad fight. This is our second fight ever and it didn't top the first but by golly he sure did leave the apartment it got so heated. I won't go into it...its mostly the dumbest reason ever but more than that i hate to loose...and i don't want to admit i lost. I gave in. But, it wasn't until this a.m. at 4 when i found him curled up on the couch that i came to my senses and said this isn't worth it. Our relationship is too precious and special and he is more than amazing. I will give this up for him. So cheers to him...

I am off to SD to visit the best friend for some way overdue girl time. Yoga, shopping, eating and drinking is in store. I am just sooooo not looking forward to this hellish drive at 5pm on a friday afternoon.
posted by Miahart @ 4:19 PM |


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